Two entities collide and separate adapting to the space, the enviroment and the music.

An impro performance is a way to make public mirroring itself in the dancers, living the present moment in itself. What happens if we start from a story or a plot and we free it in front of the public, it becomes something influenced by the all. Two performers, are affected and moves by the feeling of the moment, two persons between Earth and Sky, dance together for themselves and for the public to live their own stories, projecting themselves.
Impro performance changes always title and subject; it is a site specific show.
The first Impro performance has been performed at Kit’s Sommersaloner in Fejø in Denmark. The public was absorbed in a natural environment, wrapped into classical music.

Various events took place ’till today. in 2023 Orderly Dance Company has been invited in Magliano Alfieri Festival for an impro performance in the impressive castle of Govone.

Kit's Sommersaloner Festival

Fejoe Denmark


Elisa Spagone & Codrut Cojocaru


Christian Hougaard


Karólina Thorarensen

Dancing with Bach at Magliano Alfieri Festival

Govone Castle

Elisa Spagone & Codrut Cojocaru

Massimo Macrì


Isabella Quaranta